... that's right. It's Nor'easter season here along the midatlantic coast and this one is one of the worst on record!!! We got at least 5" of rain yesterday and we probably won't see the sun for another couple of days. YUK!!!! We actually have a lake (outside) and a swamp (inside :-( ). All kinds of road closures, creeks overflowing, etc. but of course, I had a managers' meeting this morning at 7am!
It was a fun day though since when I got home both mine and Sandy's "Let's Escape" swaps had arrived! After dinner we had fun opening them and checking out the fun stuff we got. And we didn't get any duplicates---especially nice since we share the "stash" and have similar tastes.
My outbound box is actually going in a couple of weeks because my partner is Ali W. who lives in Christchurch, NZ. I was prepared to send it "down under" but she's coming to NOLA for a conference so I'm sending it to her there instead! She may even get to meet Renee! My box came for Lysa C. in Napierville--lots of cool Heidi stuff, my favorite scent of Bath and Body, a big bag of dark chocolate M&Ms, lots of pink ribbon, some cool chipboard alphabet and clock circles, lots of Prima flowers, a Basic Grey Motifica collection pak, and a cool lavendar mini AMM tote!
I'll post pictures of what I'm sending Ali a bit later. I won't want her checking this blog or any of you telling her what she's getting.
More later!
Oh my...you gals got dumped on up there. We got a bunch of rain here too, at least it is filling our new pond up.
Hope all is well with you.
Yeah Yeah...Lake Perry...
I need an update about YOU! I miss you!!!!!!!!!
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