It's actually been a decent week and a bit busy so by the time I thought about blogging it was way too late to download pics etc. Anyway, we'll start last Friday when "The Great Refrigerator Hunt" came to a successful conclusion with the arrival of said refrigerator. Home Depot had said our delivery time would be between 2:15 and 6:15 pm--well the driver called about 4:50 to say they'd be there in about 20 minutes. They got here at 6:15pm--fortunately it only took about 20 minutes to disconnect the old one, move it out, move the new one in, and hook it up.
On Saturday the weather held off enough for us to take our 16 month old "niece" (and her parents) to the Philadelphia Zoo. We had a great time looking at all the animals especially the bigger ones and the ones that actually moved around.
Saturday night we celebrated Christmas, Part 3---yes I know it was March 24th but our friends are here for a couple of months on home missionary assignment from Germany so we did Christmas again. Turkey and all the trimmings, presents, and Mom even put out her little Christmas tree! Those great looking desserts are from the patisserie at Wegman's -- the best supermarket in the area!
This week was also the week for managers to get their reviews at work. It's always a long process; we did our self evaluations back at the beginning of February. Anyway, that went very well, but seriously, I wouldn't have expected it not to. My boss doesn't believe that anything in a review should be a "surprise" plus we've worked together for 9 years now. And then our head cashier gave me $20--I had totally forgotten about some money I'd found on the floor at least a month ago. Well, noone claimed it so it's mine---more money for the CE Fun Money Fund!
Spent today putting the studio back together after the lighting installation project. We have to go get the lighting fixtures for the track but it's all done. Zipped over to IKEA to get another set of IVAR shelving---we had a brillant idea for more space--- only to have them be out of stock on the ends. Found some great rolling bins for under our desks though! Now I'm off to do my income taxes!
This weekend (Saturday night and 3 times on Sunday morning) the choir is presenting a great Palm Sunday musical during all our worship services. Should be very moving for the congregation.
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