Fabric....then paper.....now fabric again!!! Seems like my creative world is shifting back toward fabrics, especially quilting fabrics, and I'm ReaLLy quite OK with that. And it's quite cool because a new quilting group has started, Philly Modern Quilt Guild. The group is only a couple of months old so we're really just figuring the whole thing out. More on that another day.

One of the cool things about our Nebraska scrapping friends is that they've all gotten into quilting. And they asked me to join this round of their virtual quilting bee. So I just finished my blocks for Lisa. Lots of fun, happy, modern fabrics, and very few rules!! Hope she likes them!!!
Off to find my collection of "food" prints to make potholders!
More later!
Very pretty!! You're doing WAY better than me....I need to get it in gear and get caught up!! :)
These look great! :) YAY! :) so glad you've joined us...
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