....and what am I doing at 9:55 pm? Updating my blog after working until 7pm. As everyone knows, I'm NOT a party girl so why not try and get some stuff done???? I finally finished addressing Christmas cards this morning before going to work but need to get some more stamps on Friday since some are taking more than one. Thought I'd share some holiday photos:
These are from Fellowship Alliance's Christmas cantata (also known as Marathon week). We sing Tuesday through Friday night to a packed house of about 650 per night. The choir also serves desserts and beverages before we go on to sing. For me, it's work all day, take my concert clothes with me, stop and get dinner for Sandy and I, eat dinner in her office at church, change to concert clothes, do the cantata, go home. Repeat 3 more times. It's a blast but exhausting!! Sandy shot the one of me with the dessert tray; the gentleman in the lower right is our choir director.

Now it's on to new projects and new goals for 2009! Have a wonderful and blessed year!