Somewhere the month of July has gone by and I've not even managed to post about our wonderful adventure to Alaska and of course, completing the 50 states by 50 challenge!!!
The cruise was absolutely wonderful---I see cruising alot more in my future! Loved all the fun things we did, especially the Musher Camp where we rode wheeled dog sleds and the Yukon Jeep Adventure with its spectacular scenery!!!! Our ship even got within about 600 ft. of Dawes Glacier---that was awesome! Spent time in Seattle, at Mt. Rainier, saw Mt. St. Helens. Toured the Oregon Coast, Portland, went to Mt. Hood, drove along the Columbia River Gorge. I've added a few photos of the 1200+ I took (loving the new camera and Photoshop!); if you'd like the link to all of my photos as well as Sandy's, let us know!
Since we got home, let's see, our aunt and uncle stopped for a visit over the 4th of July, we're taking a Beth Moore bible study on Tuesday nights at church, the choir and the worship department had picnics, an American friend who lives in Japan came for dinner. Work has been a little crazy---I moved the entire department around, lost two staff members, had two others transfer into music + vacations and sick people. And Sandy and I are on a cleaning binge--I mean SERIOUS cleaning---we're going room by room and decluttering and purging junk. Why oh why do we keep some of this stuff???????
I promise I'll try to be better! Mayber I'll post some more pictures tomorrow. I'm on myway back to work to close the store. The joys of being the manager!