Monday, February 25, 2008

My Charms are DOnE!!!! charms for ScrapETC are finished and all in their little bags and I'm thrilled with how they turned out. Just need to print some little labels for the bags and we're good to go. Tomorrow I'll start cutting paper for the pages. They're all designed; just need to be assembled.

Have to hit LSS after work; I hope that's where I bought this one paper---need two more sheets. Wish me luck!

When the pages are done, then it's on to homework and the next signature quilt for JDRF. Think pink and brown and teal and white!



Saturday, February 23, 2008


...finally decided to show its ugly head here in NJ. So far this season we've had a couple of dustings and that crappy day a couple of weeks ago that was icy but NO snow. That changed yesterday when we got about 3" of the white stuff. But I brushed my car off and was at work for 11:30am with no driving problems at all. Not a whole lot of people out shopping but not awful but the powers that be (fill in District Manager) decided that we were closing at 2:00 pm. The good news is that if you're at work and they close the store, you get paid your full shift! So home I came (again no driving problems). Got more time to work on charms. Must keep beading!!!!

Today I designed page swaps on my breaks and lunch. Have paper and trimmer--will travel. We're going to ACMoore tonight to get the right jewelry rings (try #3) and paper for pages. Both have to be in the mail by March 1st.

It's off to the kitchen to cook dinner!



Thursday, February 21, 2008

Getting Away

....this month's theme is getting away---to retreat, to think, to reflect, to create, to reconnect.

February started out with FAC's Ladies Retreat. After a drive to Sandy Cove in absolutely crappy weather, the weekend was a great break in routine and a chance to spend time with lots of other women (we had 260 women at retreat) and plenty of alone time with God. This year's theme was Tapestry of Love and focused on Colossians 2:2-4(The Message):

I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with
everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at
rest, focused on Christ, God's great mystery. All the richest treasures of
wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else. And we've
been shown the mystery! I'm telling you this because I don't want anyone leading
you off on some wild-goose chase, after other so-called mysteries, or "the

Our pastor's wife also shared in the sessions that we are lavishly loved daughters of God and not slaves to fear. There was lots of sharing and tons of great praise and worship times.

And the response to the tapestry was amazing!!! It's humbling and an honor to know that your art meant so much to so many and enriched their experience. I'm currently in the process of getting a permanent rod for it so it can hang in the women's ministry office as well as writing the story of it so people who didn't go on retreat will know the background.

This past weekend was an entirely different kind on getaway. Sandy and I went to Scrapbowl 2008 in Chantilly, VA. Had a great time with Cindy J., a friend we made at CKU in 2003, and some of her friends. It was SO great to spend time together since it's been over two years since we last saw her. Also got to see Josiane, Gloria, Karen T., and Sandy H. from CE and ScrapETC, and we met Wendy and Kana who are also going to ScrapETC and happened to be seated at the same table! Got some significant scrapping done, but never enough! Finished another 8 pages in my European vacation album and started the planning for the next 10. Also took a class from Shimelle and got the chance to show her my 2006 Christmas album.

Now it's back to the grindstone with getting charms and page swaps done. Did mail my secret sister today. Back to beading for me..... well after dinner.
